Prosperity – God’s House

Prosperity in the Balance

” For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?”

Jacob’s Vow and Tithe to God

— Genesis 28:10-22 (NKJV)

V12…A latter to heaven with Angels ascending and descending on it. (Hebrews 1:14)

V13-15…The Lord declares “I am your God and I have blessed you and will bless you .

The same blessing:

  1. Abram – Gen 13:14-16
  2. Isaac – Gen 26:1-4

V16-19…This place is awesome…This is God’s House and Heaven’s gates are here.

  1. He received from God here. God’s ministry was here.
  2. Jacob sets up a pillar and declares a place “Bethel” God’s House.

V20-22…Jacob swears a vow to God…You are my provider and my God.

  1. He sets this vow and oath in motion, by faith by doing something.
  2. Faith without works is dead…James 2:14-26
  3. He said “of all that You give me I will surely give a tenth to You.”

He learned this from his father and grandfather…they both prospered.

This was long before the law.

Cain and Able gave their “first fruits” offering and it got Able killed.

Heb 11:4…By faith Able offered a more excellent sacrifice then Cain.

Andyology…Cain gave grudgingly and of necessity. (Not Faith)

God loves a cheerful Faith giver. (2 Cor 9:7)

Build God’s House

Haggai 1:1-8 (NKJV)

16yrs out of Babylonian captivity:

They have built themselves houses and going on with their lives, leaving the house of God unfinished!

God’s NOT first place in their lives.

This is what got them in captivity in the first place. It’s God who got them out of captivity.

V3-4…You built and dwell in paneled houses and leave mine in ruin.

V5…Consider your ways

  1. Who and what is first place in your life?
  2. Check your heart…”where your treasure is there your heart is…”
  3. What are the motives for what you do in your life.
  4. We need to make time to be still before God…give him room in our day to day lives. Listen to his voice. Consider our ways.

V6…Have you ever wondered why life is so hard for you.

  1. You’re the blessed seed of Abraham! Why aren’t you living this way?
  2. Consider your ways!!!
  3. We live in a fallen world
  4. It’s the curse of the fall, not the curse of the law

Genesis 3:17-19 (NKJV)

Adams sin cursed the ground, NOT God. It’s not God’s fault.

Genesis 4:11-12 (NKJV)

Cain’s sin caused the ground to no longer yield itself.

  • You can’t make a living in the natural anymore. We were never meant to.
  • Sin effected the world, and creation is in bondage to it.
  • When you try to make a living in the natural, you can’t get ahead.
  • You need supernatural intervention.
  • We need God’s presence, wisdom, word, and understanding


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